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A few days ago, I received a call that my uncle’s health was deteriorating. The past week he has been in the hospital due to complications of his diabetes and alcoholism. Usually, the man pulls through his hospital stints but this time it was different. He was forgetting who his loved ones were and would talk randomly about things that made no sense at all.

At first, I assumed it was Alzheimer’s disease kicking in because of his age of 54. However, it did not make sense considering the memory loss cleared up once he was put on medication. He got better on Friday, was discharged but then turned for the worst on Saturday. I received a call later Saturday night to come home to see him because everyone assumed he would be dead.

My uncle died Monday at the age of 54 at 3:30pm.

I was with him when he went but the past few days spent watching him slowly slipped away almost broke me in two. However, I had to stay strong for my familia and for my uncle’s family because they are the people I grew up with as a child. Now, I am trying to figure out how I can go across the street to see my cousins and not wait for my uncle to call me ‘Gurrito’ or ask me how I am doing in school. It hurts but I have to be strong in order to keep from going under.

Miss Marguerite


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