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Took A Longer Break Than Necessary

What can I say? I became busy with life and living it. I got a new job, started my semester at college with a full load and even throwing on being a tutor to beef up my grad school application. Nonetheless, I have had time to fuck a few people here and there; I plan to even write about the experiences soon. For now, I can say I have slept or made out with:

1. An ex-lover from high school who came back over the summer from his second tour overseas. I have to say fucking him before he beefed up and fucking him with his muscles and higher stamina makes this female salute the troops. Fuck, I have never walked many days after bowlegged than if I were to enter into a full on orgy for several days. In one day, he and I went through a list of sexual positions and different places to fuck. My favorite was fucking in his car in dark parking structure on the way to see Final Destination. We never got to see the movie but I had a nice time fogging up his windows.


Another Month But Worth It

I have been up to a lot this month and I will say I am not sorry for not blogging this month. What can I say? I got caught up in doing a slew of things and some people I forgot to write it all down. I will say I got to see Crazy Stupid Love before hand and then I had to deal with some friends finally letting go of the past and leaving moi alone.

For now I can only leave you with some delicious gif or even a picture. I will write as much as I can but follow moi on tumblr or twitter which give a better update of what I am up to this summer.

Miss Marguerite



A few days ago, I received a call that my uncle’s health was deteriorating. The past week he has been in the hospital due to complications of his diabetes and alcoholism. Usually, the man pulls through his hospital stints but this time it was different. He was forgetting who his loved ones were and would talk randomly about things that made no sense at all.

At first, I assumed it was Alzheimer’s disease kicking in because of his age of 54. However, it did not make sense considering the memory loss cleared up once he was put on medication. He got better on Friday, was discharged but then turned for the worst on Saturday. I received a call later Saturday night to come home to see him because everyone assumed he would be dead.

My uncle died Monday at the age of 54 at 3:30pm.

Updates & More Updates

Man, it has been almost a month since I last blogged about anything though I have a few things which kept me from wanting to blog.

-The nephew came down with the whooping cough and I had to drop everything including a movie date, a fuck buddy session and a dominatrix session to see him and be at the hospital with him. The little guy is fine but when it comes to familia, familia comes first before everything which I think is why a lot of lovelies cannot handle the fact they are not my number one priority. Someone has to be with moi for at least a year, maybe two, before I start to see them in the top boxes with the familia

The Tale Of Haight Man

The Haight Man

January 18-19th, 2011

What the hell was I thinking? I was going to meet someone who I barely knew for a movie date. Wait. No. Not like a movie date considering we are just going to be in his room, talking and watching a movie. Plus, I doubt him or I thought it was going to be a date. However, I had to take a Muni and a bus to get to his place since he lives in Upper Haight. I wish he lived closer but then again, then it would take the fun out of seeing a few of the places I have yet to visit frequently. I have visited Haight a few times but not in a long time since classes started up but I did visit when I had to do a team bonding experience.


Haight Man

Readers of Whip and Apple,

I had a date, well, sort of date, all right, I will call it a movie date with a new male called Haight Man. Why? Well, he lives in the Haight District and it was something that came to mind when nicknaming him. Now, I plan to put up a blog post of my movie thing with Haight Man very soon since I just got back a while ago from his place. I will say Haight Man is handsome and looks like a sturdy male to ride. However, not going to rush anything because I might spook him off if I startle him. Still, always good to know I enjoyed myself after having a shitty date with Beard Man the other day.

A Date With The Beard...

I will have in a few days a story about a male who I went out with the past two days, well, really, hung around and got to know, who I call The Beard. Oh what a tale to tell especially since there is a bit of spice in it.

The post will come soon.

Laptop, Oh Laptop

Dear Whip and Apple readers,

Sorry lovelies for not putting up anything lately. You want to know why? My laptop stopped working and will not let me grab anything from the hard drive. I had to take it into two individuals who were not able to and I just now paid 60 bucks to have it sent into the manufacturer for them to take a whack at it. I have to remember everything I wanted to write out for the letters and everything important on the hard drive that is three years old.

Yes, three years old. I have work that is three years old that might be erased if the manufacturer finds that a new hard drive is needed and nothing can be saved. Oh, my precious writings, images and video. Some of those images, I planned to put together to put up on the Whip and Apple site. I even had a video I was putting together to showcase a bit of what I am about as a Domme, writer and student in San Francisco.


30 Days of Letters- Day 2 — Your Crush/Boyfriend

Dear Crush(es),


Busy, Busy, Busy

Right now, I am a bit busy with life at the moment to write it all down. Every day it is a new experience. Every day, I wake up to something new to get up to by myself or with a friend. I have had to comfort friends, fight with them and hug them, sometimes all in the same hour. I have made new friends and created new enemies it seem but I am not about to let them bring me down. I keep looking at the calendar to see how many more days I have and notice it is getting closer and closer to Christmas. What I want on my wish list is a new pair of heels since I broke the old pair going down the stairs. The stairs were slippery due to the last rainfall and I almost smashed my forehead into a plant down on the first floor.


A Broken Love Letter

A Broken Love Letter

I am drained.
I cannot take this anymore.
I will not keep listening to your words and your lies.
Oh, your beautiful and wonderful lies.

Do you not understand?
You are a vampire.
Drain me of my energy.
Of my strength.
My love and my need to save you.

A person who I thought was a friend and a lover.
You are just a fiend.
One who uses me.
Abuses my trust and love.
You have me.
Do you not see?

I am right here to help you.
Take my damn hand and let me help you.
Let me shelter and comfort you.
Someone who I love and care about; please, let me before we both perish.
Before our friendship and love burns away.
Burned and picked up by the wind never to be seen again.

Just stop it!
Stop your lies and your doubts.
Those doubts which whittle away at your self-esteem.
A self-esteem based on attention and praise.
Praise does not warm you at night.
I do.

I want to be the one who holds you, kisses you and loves you.

Halloween Weekend Starting Up...

Halloween Weekend Starting Soon...

I am taking this weekend to interact and re-energize or maybe exorcise the not-so-moi mood away with other friends and roommates. How am I going to do it?

Today: I am going to Chili's with my roommate, Shorty, her friend and my friend Vi., who has been a great friend and stuck around when the mess started to seep from the walls. We are going for the 2 for $20 deal which is great for the college students. After, we are all going to the mall, Vi and I went to last weekend to go shopping at the three story Target to grab essentials for Halloween weekend. Later, Vi and I plan to get dressed and hit a rave happening near my apartment for a few hours before coming back to the apartment to watch more horror movies. I want to overdose on horror movies because I adore them and Vi had become my horror buddy.


One Night With NSVG Part 2

Here is the second part of my adventure with Not So Vanilla Guy. Enjoy. Also leave comments and enjoy the read.



Sept 18th to Sept 26, A Lot Of Stuff Went Down...

Here is a much late update on what happened a few weeks back. Some of it not be given a lot of words to describe which means nothing worth telling happened or I rather want you to keep itching to ask for more.

Saturday 9/18: Nada or maybe I did do something but I was busy with someone. Hint.
Sunday 9/19: The two dates I went on with the idiot in the morning and Awkward Guy in the afternoon. I gave you somewhat of the details from the last blog post. I will say I arrived home in time to shower, study and get my ass to bed to meet up with the supervisor the next morning. Though I almost went home with Awkward Guy but decided to go home because the wrath of the supervisor was more than a fuck session would be worth.
Monday 9/20: I went to see the supervisor to catch up on what was going to happen for the rest of the week and any information on what I should expect.

Tuesday 9/21: Nothing other than school.


Planned Parenthood, Familia, Allergy Shots, What A Weekend

Damn, this whole weekend has been god damn interesting. You want to know why? Well, let me tell you lovelies.

This weekend Oct 1 through Oct 3, I drove up or over the bridge ninety minutes from San Francisco to visit the familia for the weekend. Many of you remember the tales of the familia and you can always read up on them from the rest of the blog. You better get to know my lovely familia members because they will most likely end up starring in a few posts every now and then if I visit them. Considering the lot of the familia and I are 'eccentric' and 'eclectic', we all usually end up in troubles of our own making and by the end of the night need a few members or even the cops to break it up. The cops story will be for another night ladies and gentleman. For now, let me focus on the weekend.

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