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Give You A Sample & Pay For The Rest

Everything is fine. I am alive. In fact, I have a lot of things to tell the lovely readers. I need to type it all down but I will give you a check list of things I have been up to in the past week. I have a few items to go through and I know you are going to enjoy them; I even placed a picture of the French toast I made a few weeks back during finals for my summer classes. I needed all of the carbs I could shove down my throat. A nice image to have in your head, no?

Now, let us get started with the list. I am going to give it to you short and have you wanting to know what is going on with each list. Hopefully, I did not give it all away but check out my twitter as well to get the scoop on moi.

This is what happened to me or to someone else in the last week:

1. Passed my two classes with very great final grades.
2. Went home to see the familia.
3. Baby sat the nephew and found out he likes to pinch people and grab their breasts. Luckily, he only laid his head on my breast instead of trying to give me a purple nurple.
4. Sister was taken in for gall bladder surgery.
5. Not So Vanilla Guy popped into my life for a few minutes and I threw his ass out.
6. Hung out with Shorty, the new roommate
7. Started work orientation for my new job.
8. Went to a party with Shorty and enjoyed being the only sober person in the place.

Those eight things have happened to me and I hope to get them all written out. Right now, I want you all salivating to know what happened with some of the juicy items. I bet you want to know what went up and down with NSVG and the party sober. Enjoy the teaser, I know I enjoyed it all.

Miss Marguerite

P.S., you can follow me at twitter: MsMarguerite



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Whipandapple.. Amazing :)

Whipandapple.. Amazing :)

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