A Broken Love Letter
I am drained.
I cannot take this anymore.
I will not keep listening to your words and your lies.
Oh, your beautiful and wonderful lies.
Do you not understand?
You are a vampire.
Drain me of my energy.
Of my strength.
My love and my need to save you.
A person who I thought was a friend and a lover.
You are just a fiend.
One who uses me.
Abuses my trust and love.
You have me.
Do you not see?
I am right here to help you.
Take my damn hand and let me help you.
Let me shelter and comfort you.
Someone who I love and care about; please, let me before we both perish.
Before our friendship and love burns away.
Burned and picked up by the wind never to be seen again.
Just stop it!
Stop your lies and your doubts.
Those doubts which whittle away at your self-esteem.
A self-esteem based on attention and praise.
Praise does not warm you at night.
I do.
I want to be the one who holds you, kisses you and loves you.
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