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Another Month But Worth It

I have been up to a lot this month and I will say I am not sorry for not blogging this month. What can I say? I got caught up in doing a slew of things and some people I forgot to write it all down. I will say I got to see Crazy Stupid Love before hand and then I had to deal with some friends finally letting go of the past and leaving moi alone.

For now I can only leave you with some delicious gif or even a picture. I will write as much as I can but follow moi on tumblr or twitter which give a better update of what I am up to this summer.

Miss Marguerite


Tango Man

I have a few more tales to tell considering I have done a lot the past few days:

-The nephew is doing well though he has that horrible 100 Days cough which comes with the whooping cough so I am going to be hearing him cough when I go home this weekend.

-Vi and I are getting closer as roommates and best friends. She even now knows about my lifestyle as a Domme and is not judging my behind for it. In fact, she wants to be able to be my back up should shit hit the fan or I have a client who goes off the deep end. I love her to death.

-I was gifted two hamsters as pets since Vi and I wanted a pet, though she wanted hamsters. We got ourselves two male short-haired hamsters that are already driving us up the wall with their nocturnal action on the spinning wheel. We are going to put them in the living room at night.


Almost Happy Birthday...

In two days, I am turning another year and I cannot wait to celebrate my birthday considering last year, the day fell in the middle of the week. This weekend, I am going to visit the familia and they are going to throw moi a bash to enjoy the night. I might be off the radar but I will write about the two dates I had with two different males. I also have another date with another male who I call Tango Guy.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Miss Marguerite


Updates & More Updates

Man, it has been almost a month since I last blogged about anything though I have a few things which kept me from wanting to blog.

-The nephew came down with the whooping cough and I had to drop everything including a movie date, a fuck buddy session and a dominatrix session to see him and be at the hospital with him. The little guy is fine but when it comes to familia, familia comes first before everything which I think is why a lot of lovelies cannot handle the fact they are not my number one priority. Someone has to be with moi for at least a year, maybe two, before I start to see them in the top boxes with the familia

The Tale Of Haight Man

The Haight Man

January 18-19th, 2011

What the hell was I thinking? I was going to meet someone who I barely knew for a movie date. Wait. No. Not like a movie date considering we are just going to be in his room, talking and watching a movie. Plus, I doubt him or I thought it was going to be a date. However, I had to take a Muni and a bus to get to his place since he lives in Upper Haight. I wish he lived closer but then again, then it would take the fun out of seeing a few of the places I have yet to visit frequently. I have visited Haight a few times but not in a long time since classes started up but I did visit when I had to do a team bonding experience.


Haight Man

Readers of Whip and Apple,

I had a date, well, sort of date, all right, I will call it a movie date with a new male called Haight Man. Why? Well, he lives in the Haight District and it was something that came to mind when nicknaming him. Now, I plan to put up a blog post of my movie thing with Haight Man very soon since I just got back a while ago from his place. I will say Haight Man is handsome and looks like a sturdy male to ride. However, not going to rush anything because I might spook him off if I startle him. Still, always good to know I enjoyed myself after having a shitty date with Beard Man the other day.

A Date With The Beard...

I will have in a few days a story about a male who I went out with the past two days, well, really, hung around and got to know, who I call The Beard. Oh what a tale to tell especially since there is a bit of spice in it.

The post will come soon.

30 Days of Letters- Day 2 — Your Crush/Boyfriend

Dear Crush(es),


One Night With NSVG Part 2

Here is the second part of my adventure with Not So Vanilla Guy. Enjoy. Also leave comments and enjoy the read.



Feeling Better

Allergies have started to clear up along with the huge douses of medication I am using on my body to combat the sneezing, coughing and generally feeling as if my head is a balloon. However, I am not down for the count because I plan to go on a date soon and then figure out what I plan to do for the weekend. What should happen?

Now, to clear up the emails I have received over the lovely men and women who have encountered moi in the past few weeks, let me give you a summary since it takes a while to go through a few pages of my blog. I have either fucked, dated, seen or been around these individuals. You are too lazy to read my posts need to be spanked but those who have read it, I adore you and comment on this whole gauntlet of individuals I have gone through darlings.


Two Dates, One Day, Tired Feet

Today, I went on two dates today and I am bloody tired. My feet are still aching, my thighs hurt and I might get my ass sick again because of the weather. All in all, a great experience considering I got my ass lost to get to the second date after I ditched the first day. Oh, yes, these dates were with two different males, at the same area but a few hours apart. Here is the short version and give the long version later after I finish my second part of NSVG.:'


One Night With NSVG

All right. I thought I was done with NSVG but like the expression, 'Just when I try to get out, they pull me back in', NSVG (Not So Vanilla Guy) pulled me right the fuck back into getting to know him. How did I start? Well, let me tell you readers:


Get Down & Dirty, Then Get The Hell Out

I did something really stupid. I fucked ML last night and just realized the mistake this morning. I know, I know it was a really stupid thing to get involved with ML especially since he is supposedly with his old high school girlfriend. Considering, we fucked last night, I doubt he is still with his old girlfriend or the two had a fight. All I know was I needed someone to speak to about a few certain topics and ML was willing to lend his ear. The whole 'one thing led to another' does not really apply considering as soon as ML walked through the door, I grabbed him by the belt of his jeans and pulled him into my bedroom. He did not fight it or tell me to back off considering off came his shoes and jacket to leave it trailed behind us on the way to my room.

Not So Vanilla Date

I was pleasantly surprised by Vanilla Guy because he is not so vanilla after all. Of course, he was the most awkward and blushing male I have met which I adored but the male impressed me beyond my expectations. Let me give you a run down of what happened with as much detail as I could remember but considering I like to keep notes on people, it should not be too hard to retype up the experience.


Summer Classes, I Will Own Your Ass

I started my summer classes and I will be put to the grind for the next few weeks. Each class is two days a week for four hours. Yes, four hours in a classroom having to interact and shove every bit of information into my head in a four hour time span. The first class I have is Psychology of Human Sexual Behavior and as the title states, I am going to be learning about human sexual behavior. I flipped through the textbook I rented for the next few weeks (I am not shelling out 150 bucks for a book) and saw the various topics which could be discussed in class. The topics talk about lust, desire, same-sex marriage, polyamory, polygamy and even more delicious topics to discuss with other students in the class. Nonetheless, four hours might kill me but I will get through it in order to get rid of a class I might have had to take during the fall semester over the course of five months.

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