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Tango Man

I have a few more tales to tell considering I have done a lot the past few days:

-The nephew is doing well though he has that horrible 100 Days cough which comes with the whooping cough so I am going to be hearing him cough when I go home this weekend.

-Vi and I are getting closer as roommates and best friends. She even now knows about my lifestyle as a Domme and is not judging my behind for it. In fact, she wants to be able to be my back up should shit hit the fan or I have a client who goes off the deep end. I love her to death.

-I was gifted two hamsters as pets since Vi and I wanted a pet, though she wanted hamsters. We got ourselves two male short-haired hamsters that are already driving us up the wall with their nocturnal action on the spinning wheel. We are going to put them in the living room at night.

-I have gone on three dates with three different people. In fact, I finished a quick date where I ended up fucking the guy on my bathroom floor. God, he has a fucking great body and put his moves in dancing to the test in the bathroom. I promise to write about him since he is still fucking my mind as I keep thinking about what happened between us over and over.

-Tomorrow is my birthday and I will be AWOL for the next few days in celebrating and will upload photos of the debauchery sans face pictures since I protect my friend's anonymity.

Miss Marguerite



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