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Sept 18th to Sept 26, A Lot Of Stuff Went Down...

Here is a much late update on what happened a few weeks back. Some of it not be given a lot of words to describe which means nothing worth telling happened or I rather want you to keep itching to ask for more.

Saturday 9/18: Nada or maybe I did do something but I was busy with someone. Hint.
Sunday 9/19: The two dates I went on with the idiot in the morning and Awkward Guy in the afternoon. I gave you somewhat of the details from the last blog post. I will say I arrived home in time to shower, study and get my ass to bed to meet up with the supervisor the next morning. Though I almost went home with Awkward Guy but decided to go home because the wrath of the supervisor was more than a fuck session would be worth.
Monday 9/20: I went to see the supervisor to catch up on what was going to happen for the rest of the week and any information on what I should expect.

Tuesday 9/21: Nothing other than school.


Test Came Back & All Is Well

This morning, I received an email from Awkward Guy about his test results. Should you be reading my blog for the first time, I should advice you to read up on the latest blog posts to know what I am talking about; always helps to know what you are reading instead of wondering who are these many individuals in my lives who cause either wonderful mayhem or horrible controversies.

Now, as for Awkward Guy's email, it had the results of his tests he took to see whether or not he contracted something dire from moi (I am clean lovelies and also you can read my results from other blog posts).

Let me hear a drum roll please or at least pretend you are anxiously waiting to find out whether or not there was the possibility of sexually transmitted disease passed around during the park rendezvous.





Planned Parenthood, Familia, Allergy Shots, What A Weekend

Damn, this whole weekend has been god damn interesting. You want to know why? Well, let me tell you lovelies.

This weekend Oct 1 through Oct 3, I drove up or over the bridge ninety minutes from San Francisco to visit the familia for the weekend. Many of you remember the tales of the familia and you can always read up on them from the rest of the blog. You better get to know my lovely familia members because they will most likely end up starring in a few posts every now and then if I visit them. Considering the lot of the familia and I are 'eccentric' and 'eclectic', we all usually end up in troubles of our own making and by the end of the night need a few members or even the cops to break it up. The cops story will be for another night ladies and gentleman. For now, let me focus on the weekend.


E[lust] #20

Photo courtesy of Dangerous Lilly

Feeling Better

Allergies have started to clear up along with the huge douses of medication I am using on my body to combat the sneezing, coughing and generally feeling as if my head is a balloon. However, I am not down for the count because I plan to go on a date soon and then figure out what I plan to do for the weekend. What should happen?

Now, to clear up the emails I have received over the lovely men and women who have encountered moi in the past few weeks, let me give you a summary since it takes a while to go through a few pages of my blog. I have either fucked, dated, seen or been around these individuals. You are too lazy to read my posts need to be spanked but those who have read it, I adore you and comment on this whole gauntlet of individuals I have gone through darlings.


Sick With The Allergies, Posting Is Backlogged




Damn it!

Right now, I am now sneezing and clearing my throat because I managed to bring up my winter allergies around. Usually, I am not sneezing and able to handle the weather in San Francisco but I guess my running around San Francisco and using my throat for more things beyond swallowing food and instead giving hummers has accelerated the allergies. I am allergic usually in the winter which I find strange because there should not be a reason to sneeze unless I have the flu; yet, somehow, my allergies come around when the leaves turn brown and the weather gets cold as the beaches in San Francisco. Damn, the water gets get might cold on your toes.

Also, for those who assume I am sick with something more nefarious or of the flesh. You are dead wrong. Plus get your head out of the gutter...for now.


Two Dates, One Day, Tired Feet

Today, I went on two dates today and I am bloody tired. My feet are still aching, my thighs hurt and I might get my ass sick again because of the weather. All in all, a great experience considering I got my ass lost to get to the second date after I ditched the first day. Oh, yes, these dates were with two different males, at the same area but a few hours apart. Here is the short version and give the long version later after I finish my second part of NSVG.:'


One Night With NSVG

All right. I thought I was done with NSVG but like the expression, 'Just when I try to get out, they pull me back in', NSVG (Not So Vanilla Guy) pulled me right the fuck back into getting to know him. How did I start? Well, let me tell you readers:


There's A Place Downtown, Where The Freaks All Come Around

Shorty and I went to a party two weeks ago. She invited me while the two of us were on our laptops, her looking up fashion pictures and myself looking at the last of my things to do before school started. I need to blow a steam off and not think too much on the first day of class. What I needed was to go out to the movies, which I had done the night before with the girls' from down the hallway. By the way, Scott Pilgrim was great and Vampires Suck is a movie to watch once and never again. Not a bad movie but if I saw it again, I would know the gag times and the jokes thus ruining a two hour experience.


Here Is Something Juicy For Now

Right now, I am in the middle of classes since I started my Fall classes last week which seem easy but are starting to take my mellow vibe for granted. I hope to get something out this week or even if it is a short one, to let the readers know I am alive and not ignoring my Whip and Apple. I enjoy the comments everyone has given and even the spam seems to bring a smile to my lips. I will give some quick updates to keep you coming for more:

I will say I am in a somewhat poly relationship though it is fresh and new so I am not going to talk too much on it. What can I say, I do not want to jinx the beginning of something brand new. Though I do know these individuals long before the romantic feelings started to come in; what? I can be a god damn romantic person even if I do what I do and I love it.

Give You A Sample & Pay For The Rest

Everything is fine. I am alive. In fact, I have a lot of things to tell the lovely readers. I need to type it all down but I will give you a check list of things I have been up to in the past week. I have a few items to go through and I know you are going to enjoy them; I even placed a picture of the French toast I made a few weeks back during finals for my summer classes. I needed all of the carbs I could shove down my throat. A nice image to have in your head, no?

Now, let us get started with the list. I am going to give it to you short and have you wanting to know what is going on with each list. Hopefully, I did not give it all away but check out my twitter as well to get the scoop on moi.

This is what happened to me or to someone else in the last week:

1. Passed my two classes with very great final grades.
2. Went home to see the familia.


Alive & Done With Summer Classes

Yes, I have ended and survived five weeks of summer classes.

Five weeks ago, I started out with two classes, each four hours, for two days a week. Oh yes, I spent four hours in a classroom for four days as week. I bet a few people are squirming in their seats at the thought of being in a college classroom considering many would want to get the shortest class hour time, myself included. I can handle one hour classes I attend three days a week because I do not lose focus or concentration. Yet, with the state of California, colleges need to cut out classes or to add more hours to them to save a few thousand dollars. Now, the three day a week class has been shoved into once a week class for three hours. Spring semester, I took two three hour classes in the evenings which gave rise to the need for pepper spray and a buddy to walk back to my apartment.

Study, Study & Pegging

Study, study and session. Those two things I have been up to in the past two weeks. I have done two sessions in the past two weeks and which I hope to type down and get up to the Whip and Apple readers. Right now, I have been trying to get by in the last two days of writing and revising papers. I am about finish with summer courses but I only have one week left. A week where I need to turn in a portfolio filled with two revised essays and two cover letters to explain each essay. On top of those two essays, I am to write an essay critiquing Rubin's Love Scale theory and explain what needs to be fixed or even scrapped all together. Once I am done with those two major things, I have to study for my last and final exam in Sexual Behaviors. I need to recall various terms about pornography, marriage, divorce, atypical sexual behavior and anything dealing with sexually transmitted illnesses.


e[lust] #18

HNT Courtesy of Barefoot Dreamer - Photo by Jon H.

A Small Update Along With A Pair of Boots

This week was crazy but it also was not note worthy. I have been busy staring at image of male and female genitalia for my Sexual Behaviors class. ML was kind enough to be the image of the male genitalia and the two of us managed to get off task with my hand around his cock and his eyes rolling into the back of his head. Hand jobs are a thing of beauty and not a lot of individuals who I have talked to enjoy giving it, but I do especially when ML returns the favor.

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