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A Month Without Blogging...

Apologies lovelies but I have been up, down, and all around in the city. In fact, I have not really had too much of a chance to sit down to type up what I have been doing the past few weeks. I will say I have gone to the DeYoung Museum, seen Gavin DeGraw in concert, went to Good Vibrations to look at their new stock of sex toys, got into trouble with the roommate with loud singing in the street and pretending to be her lover on the bus.


A Date With The Beard...

I will have in a few days a story about a male who I went out with the past two days, well, really, hung around and got to know, who I call The Beard. Oh what a tale to tell especially since there is a bit of spice in it.

The post will come soon.

Test Came Back & All Is Well

This morning, I received an email from Awkward Guy about his test results. Should you be reading my blog for the first time, I should advice you to read up on the latest blog posts to know what I am talking about; always helps to know what you are reading instead of wondering who are these many individuals in my lives who cause either wonderful mayhem or horrible controversies.

Now, as for Awkward Guy's email, it had the results of his tests he took to see whether or not he contracted something dire from moi (I am clean lovelies and also you can read my results from other blog posts).

Let me hear a drum roll please or at least pretend you are anxiously waiting to find out whether or not there was the possibility of sexually transmitted disease passed around during the park rendezvous.





Two Dates, One Day, Tired Feet

Today, I went on two dates today and I am bloody tired. My feet are still aching, my thighs hurt and I might get my ass sick again because of the weather. All in all, a great experience considering I got my ass lost to get to the second date after I ditched the first day. Oh, yes, these dates were with two different males, at the same area but a few hours apart. Here is the short version and give the long version later after I finish my second part of NSVG.:'


Not So Vanilla Date

I was pleasantly surprised by Vanilla Guy because he is not so vanilla after all. Of course, he was the most awkward and blushing male I have met which I adored but the male impressed me beyond my expectations. Let me give you a run down of what happened with as much detail as I could remember but considering I like to keep notes on people, it should not be too hard to retype up the experience.

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